Core Technology Developments and Product Solutions
Neuro AI
- Real-Time Analyses on Personality Traits (Applications on International Patents)
- Potential Applications to Hiring AI and Educational AI
Computer Vision
for Small Organism
- Classification of the different kinds of small organism by computer vision instead of human expert.
- Application for food hygiene and prevention of insect-borne infection diseases
Medical Data Mining
- - Making the medical office work more efficient.
- - Utilizing data mining techniques and AI for a face-recognition and computer vision.
Computer Vision and Food Safety Support
- -Enabling the real time monitor
- -Monitoring from remote location or at closed environment
Live Interview Solutions
- -Real Time Analyses on Emotions and Mental States with Vital signals
Health-care supports by data mining technique
- -Development of the medical office work support AI system
- -Supports for remote medical cares by real time analysis of vital signals.
Other technology developments
【Proprietary technology】
-Applications of episodic memory integration to projects (patent pending – the patent application number: JP 2018/020046)
– Formerly we used some of epiRobo algorithms for the action model learning system and the prototype of dialogue system. We are currently investigating applying epiRobo for time series anomaly detection.
(Japanese Dialogue robot) /(Natural Language Processing)
– A platform for dialogue system construction which enable you to easily build conversational systems interact with users
Brain-like Intelligence
RecollectionRelational database with extracting optimal solutions depending on environments and weighting/cleansing by itself (patent pending – the patent application number: PCT/JP2018/022438)